When you're a little lost in Ibiza and need to meet friendly people to show you the right spots...

When you're Belgian, German, Spanish, English, Scottish, Italian... and want to find an mixed place...

When you're looking for a cool, relax, stylish venue, to sit and think about the bright side of the night...

Then it's time to drive 5 more kilometers on the road to San Jose.
5Km and 600m to be exact.



KM5 - Ibiza

Noctis.com was at KM5
featuring Prinz, Nadia, Ben Biets, Tofke, ...
[Suzee Kay, Nate & Nicolas]
check the pictures here

Noctis.com was at Paradise
featuring Laurent Garnier at Café d'Anvers
check the pictures here

There, under the palmtrees... 5 bars, 1 restaurant, 1 dancefloor, 1 kicker (table-soccer), many fantastic traditionnal Jaimas (Arabian tents) all over the garden, and a permanent art exhibition for those who also want to feed the eyes.

You'll also see a giant orca made of wood, with a bar in its chest. That whale actually has a loong story.patricksocks1.jpg (27374 bytes)
It has been created in 1992 for a Patrick Socks concept at Mirano in Brussels, and then remained there for a couple of years. When Mirano stopped using it, Patrick took it to his home in Knokke. The whale danced for years there in the garden, until he moved permanently in Ibiza... and decided to do so with the orca. But it's hell of a luggage to carry on... so it took two years to the fish to touch the island!

Want a chill and an eye in the future?
Half the way Ibiza-San Jose.

And if you're Belgian, that's the spot not to miss... believe us.

Small reminder if you recently landed from planet Mars: Patrick Socks (or Patrick Soks ... depends of thepatricksocks2.jpg (19489 bytes) flyers) organises parties in Belgium since the mid 80's. He started with small parties at Blitz-Knokke with dj Eric Beysens around 1986, but it's at Café d'Anvers with his friends Peter Decuypere and Frank that he banged the House scene with his Balearic concept "Paradise". Importing dancers from Amsterdam, deejays from Ibiza, London or Den Haag, plus a unique decoration for each and every party... in 1991 it was never seen before!
4 times per year, Patrick and Peter (later also with Pim) did set up a House legend rising from Antwerp and spreading the Ibizensa party moods over the northern Europe... and it was a matter of 2000 clubbers at each issue. Yes... a legend, because it took a long retreat when Patrick moved to Ibiza. It sounded like an end to us... but no, Patrick came back on the track at Café d'Anvers once more and 12 years after the first edition. This 2003 issue has been performed all night long by Laurent Garnier for a canned crowd of more than 2200 party people. Wild score!
And for those who want to know the real name of Patrick... that's not a real secret. But it worth to ask him, because the word 'Socks' has a story... a nice one... made of passion and music.

check www.km5-lounge.com check www.km5-lounge.com check www.km5-lounge.com